Monday, August 20, 2007


CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY!!! i tell you!

man early morning, with some hand book review... didnt really get why we really had to be there... we could read it ourselves but all things happen for a reason (as God keeps on reminding me as im here at school)

the one thing i prayed about before i came to school was my room mate... i was praying that she would be able to open up like i tend to do and that we would be able to understand each other, and get along real well... GOD IS AMAZING! we have gotten along so well!!! there she is... (the pic) her name is Lori, and shes is an amazing girl!!! we hope to make it back to rockford sometime and hopefully some of you who are reading this can meet her. she has already encouraged me so much with my walk with Christ. She is going into Missions, and has such an awesome heart for it. Lori is totally amazing! She is not from the same type of back ground as i am, meaning not from a christian family, so its awesome that i can hear her point of views and just get to know eachother. It is soooo true that God provides, because He totally has for me in this situation!

enough about my room mate...


school... lets see... well we havent started yet... WE NEVER HAVE CLASSES ON MONDAY!!! (amazing!)

but i registered today, and got all my classes and books, and my parking pass and all that fun stuff... i did decided to stay in choir, cause i have met some people who are in it, and im excited to have a class with them .

tomorrow is new student oreintation stuff. and same with wed. therefore, CLASSES DONT START TILL THURS! :)

man i have a sweet schedual. no classes on monday,

TUES- Life of Christ 1, Survey of Pentateuch, Foundations of Christianity, World Views and Ethics, Christian Discipleship, Choir and Chapel. (LONGEST DAY!)

WED-Survey, Christian Discipleship, chior and my salt group (student leadership)

THURS-Life of Christ, Survey, World View, Christian Discipleship,

FRI- (a sweet sweet day!) Life of Christ, Chior and Chapel... DONE BY 11am! :)

heavy load (17) Credits... im really praying i can stay focused this semseter!

but im so excited about growing in the Lord!

today we had a "family" (all school) Picnic... GREAT! and then all the girls (about 9 of us) went and did some racing on a blow up thingy... haha

WORSHIP was after that... (im so happy to have a time to worship again!)

then we listened to the "harvesters" (our missions commitee)

sounds amazing! i cant wait to be involved in missions stuff again!

there is a conference in November that i really wanna go to.. but we will see, its $200 and im not totally sure i can afford that right now.

but if im meant to go (which i hope and pray i am) God will provide.

then the girls and i came back to the dorm (amazing! i love living in the dorms) and we watched ... none other than... THE NEWSIES!!! :) haha!

well i think thats long enough!

love you all at home

a couple of things you can pray about...

my room mate has been sick for a few days now, we tried to go to the imidiate care today, but it was closed by the time we could get there. so pray that she will feel better soon.

also, that school will go as great as it has these past 3 days... God has blessed me so much with what has happened, and i wouldnt change a thing about it!! :)

OH BOY! im excited to see whats instore...

time for God time! :)


brandonearly said...

You are bloggin...AWESOME!

the cajun sensation said...

sounds and looks wonderful